Hagedorn Eventcatering GmbH

At Hagedorn Eventcatering Hannover GmbH, we want to ensure that your event is something really special and that you and your guests will talk about it fondly for a long time to come. Our entire team will do everything we can to make the event a success. Please get in touch with us as soon as you can if you have any questions, special requirements or if anything needs to be changed. We are keen to work closely with you to ensure that the event turns out the way you imagined. Even the most spectacular special events cannot take place without appropriate legal terms and conditions. We have therefore summarised these conditions in our General Terms and Conditions of Business. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about these General Terms and Conditions of Business.

I.  Scope of application

  1. These General Terms and Conditions of Business apply to contracts between Gastro Trends Hannover GmbH (hereinafter named ‘Gastro Trends’) and the customer receiving any type of goods and services from Gastro Trends.
  2. Any terms and conditions of business that deviate from, are added to or contradict these General Terms and Conditions of Business will only apply if they are explicitly approved in writing beforehand.

II. Conclusion of contract

  1. All offers provided by Gastro Trends are non-binding. This applies to both services and prices.
  2. Customer orders only constitute a offer to Gastro Trends for the purposes of concluding a contract. A contract comes into effect when the offer is approved in writing in the form of a separate order confirmation.

III. Services, prices, payment

  1. Gastro Trends will provide the services agreed in the contract to the agreed quality standard. However, the products and services provided by Gastro Trends may change due to seasonal factors. If it is not possible to provide specific products and services, Gastro Trends reserves the right to provide an alternative product or service of at least the same value. The customer hereby agrees to this. Gastro Trends will endeavour to ensure that the event begins on time. The customer will inform Gastro Trends if there are likely to be any difficulties finding or entering the venue. If these issues incur higher/additional costs for Gastro Trends, the customer will be invoiced by Gastro Trends accordingly. The customer agrees to accept delays of up to 30 minutes which may occur without these types of impediments, e.g. due to unforeseeable traffic disruption.
  2. The customer is obliged to pay the prices agreed for the services. This also applies to Gastro Trends’ services and expenses related to the event in respect to third parties and especially for claims from copyright collectives.
  3. Statutory VAT is added at the current valid rate to the agreed net prices for all business transactions. Statutory VAT is included in the agreed gross prices for private transport.
  4. Gastro Trend invoices must be paid within ten days of receipt without any deductions. Invoices can be sent by email or fax.

IV. Number of participants and event timings

  1. Gastro Trends must be informed of changes to the number of participants of more than 10% at least seven days before the event begins. Gastro Trends shall give prior written consent if the customer wishes to increase the numbers originally specified.
  2. If the number of participants increases above the original number, charges for the services will be based on the actual number of participants that attend.
  3. If the event start and end times originally agreed change and Gastro Trends agree to the changes, the additional services will be added to the invoice, unless Gastro Trends is responsible for the changes.

V. Bringing food and drink to the event

  1. The customer may only bring food and drink to the event if Gastro Trends has previously consented to this in writing. In such cases, Gastro Trends will invoice an amount to cover the overhead expenses.

VI. Loaned items, technical equipment and connections

  1. All items that are supplied in connection with the services provided by Gastro Trends are on loan to the customer for the duration of the event. The customer must immediately return the items to Gastro Trends at the end of the event. The customer must financially compensate Gastro Trends for any damaged or lost items, or pay for them to be repaired, if this is possible.
  2. If the customer asks Gastro Trends to obtain technical equipment and other types of equipment or services from third parties, Gastro Trends will be acting on behalf of and on the authority of the customer. The customer entirely absolves Gastro Trends from all possible claims from third parties arising from the transfer of this equipment or services. The customer is liable for the careful handling and the proper return of the same.
  3. The customer must obtain prior written consent from Gastro Trends if they want to use their own electrical equipment.

VII. Withdrawal from the contract/compensation for damages

  1. The contract can only be terminated for good cause.
  2. Gastro Trends can withdraw from the contract if it is not possible or reasonable to adhere to the contract due to reasons out of Gastro Trends’ control, performance of the contract could endanger members of staff or if any agreed advance payments have not been paid on time. In addition, Gastro Trends is entitled to withdraw from the contract if events have been booked on the basis of erroneous or false statements about material facts or if Gastro Trends has reasonable grounds to assume that the event could put the smooth running of the business, the safety or the public reputation of Gastro Trends at risk. In all these cases, the customer’s right to claim damages shall be ruled out.
  3. Notwithstanding the preceding provision, the customer is obliged to inform Gastro Trends without being prompted, if providing the services and/or the event are likely, due to their content or character, to attract public interest or to compromise or pose a risk to Gastro Trends.
  4. If the customer withdraws from the contract without good cause, he is responsible for paying the agreed room rental costs and/or commitment fees, and services and supplies obtained from third parties, if it is no longer possible to rent the aforementioned to other parties.
  5. If the customer only withdraws from the contract between the eighth and the fourth week before the event begins, Gastro Trends is entitled to invoice the customer 35% of the sum agreed for the room rental and/or the agreed commitment fees and for the services obtained from third parties for lost revenue from food and drink as well as the costs calculated for personnel and other costs. If the customer withdraws between the fourth and the second week before the event begins, Gastro Trends is entitled to invoice the customer for 50% of the sum agreed. If the customer withdraws within two weeks up to two working days before the event begins, Gastro Trends is entitled to invoice the customer for 80% of the sum agreed. If the notice of withdrawal is given even closer to the event, Gastro Trends will retain 100% of the sum agreed.
  6. The customer is entitled to prove that no damage whatsoever has been caused or that it is significantly lower than the lump sum that is being claimed for compensation. Gastro Trends reserves the right to prove higher damages.

VIII. Liability

  1. The customer shall bring (personal) items into the event rooms at their own risk. Gastro Trends does not assume liability for loss, destruction or damage, nor for pecuniary damages, except if Gastro Trends causes it by gross negligence or wilful intent. If the safekeeping of items brought into the event rooms under specific circumstances constitutes a typical contractual obligation, Gastro Trends is liable pursuant to the statutory provisions.
  2. Decorative materials brought into the event rooms must comply with fire safety regulations. Gastro Trends is entitled to request official proof of this. If this proof is not forthcoming, Gastro Trends is entitled to remove material that has been brought in at the customer’s expense. Due to the potential risk of damage, the items may only be installed and fitted if this is agreed in advance with Gastro Trends. Gastro Trends may decline any requests to fit items for other good cause.
  3. Items related to exhibitions or other types of items must be removed without delay after the end of the event. If the customer fails to do this, Gastro Trends is entitled to remove and store the items. The costs incurred for this will be borne by the customer. If items remain in the event rooms, Gastro Trends is entitled to charge an appropriate usage fee for the time the item remains there.
  4. Customer claims for compensation are excluded. The limitation of liability does not apply to damages resulting from loss of life and injury to body or health based on a negligent breach of duty by Gastro Trends, or a wilful or negligent breach of duty by legal representatives or vicarious agents of Gastro Trends. This limitation of liability also does not apply to other damages which are based on a grossly negligent breach of duty by Gastro Trends or an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of Gastro Trends.

IX. Concluding provisions

If individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Business become ineffective or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Otherwise, the statutory provisions apply.